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Orders Affidavit
Didn't receive your order from Fingerhut? If it has been five (5) or more days since the delivery date of your order, download an orders affidavit form to assist us with researching your package. Once you've filled the form out, email it back to us for faster service. We'll conduct an investigation and respond back to you typically within 3 business days to let you know the result of our investigation.
Please print off the PDF document of the Orders Affidavit Form, fill it out, sign it, and either email, fax, or mail it in to us. Addresses and numbers can be found within the form.
Returns Affidavit
Did Fingerhut not receive your return? If it has been more than fifteen (15) days since you returned your package, download a returns affidavit form to assist us with researching your returned package. Once you've filled the form out, email it back to us for faster service. We'll conduct an investigation and respond to you typically within 3 business days to let you know the result of our investigation.
Please print off the PDF document of the Returns Affidavit Form, fill it out, and either email, fax, or mail it in to us. Addresses and numbers can be found within the form.
See instructions for saving completed affidavits from the web
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